A great collection from one of the great Liverpool bands of the 80s, contains the classic original versions plus the recently discovered 'lost' US remixes of The Revolutionary Spirit and God Forbid, along with BBC sessions and rare demos and live recordings, many previously unreleased.

Released in 2003.



Disc: 1
1. The Revolutionary Spirit
2. God Forbid
3. Flowers of England
4. The Iron Bed
5. Opium
6. Now You're Perfect
7. No Bleeding
8. Enchanted
9. Thirst
10. The Revolutionary Spirit (US version)
11. God Forbid (US version)

Disc: 2
1. Northern England
2. Now And Forever
3. Crowning Glory
4. Holy Spear
5. Broken Home
6. Infidel
7. God Forbid (live)
8. Miracle Heart (live)
9. Now You're Perfect (slow) (live)
10. Hour Of Need (live)
11. Fruits of the Earth (live)
12. The Revolutionary Spirit (live)

£24.99 plus postage

Price plus postage

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